Tuesday, December 8, 2009

winter days

I think winter has officially set in. As I type there is lots of snow falling and blowing around outside our window. As the cold set in last week we decided it was finally time to break out the winter apparel. Here is Jennifer showing off her new winter coat, with matching hat and scarf.
Of course she needed to get a picture with her dad.
Here is Mikayla's lovely winter apparel. I must admit I do love the little cover-up for the car seat. It keeps her really warm and I don't have to take the time to put one of those huge snowsuits on her. It is very sweet to get her out of the car, all you can see is her sweet little face with a huge smile!


D G Curren said...

They are SOOO cute!

The Bergmans said...

Those are two sweet girls :)

Jeanine said...

Too cute. They both look so grown up.