Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Missing Daddy

Today Jennifer is missing her daddy. Bill has been gone about two and half weeks now and it seems to finally be setting in to Jennifer that he is gone. Several times today she has asked for her dad. This morning as I was sitting at the computer Jennifer crawled up into my lap, she looked at the computer screen, which had a picture of her and Bill on it, and she just stared for the longest time. Then she looked at me and said, "Dad, Dad!" She was very excited to see his picture, then she held out her arms to the picture like she wanted her dad to pick her up. It about broke my heart. We only have a few more days and he will be home. I have heard from Bill a few times while he has been gone, a few phone calls and email messages. Everything is going well for them, which is always good to hear. As hard as it is for Bill to be away I am reminded that often in my quietness that it is good for him to be in Taiwan too. The work they are doing there is going to impact eternity. There are people in Taiwan who do not know the grace and love of Jesus Christ. The people of Taiwan need to hear about a loving God. So although the days are getting long, I find peace in knowing that God is using Bill to reach people for His kingdom.
Jennifer and I got back from Florida on Friday, after ten days of being away from home! While it was fun to be away it was also good to be home. Jennifer was a little out of routine. Sometime soon I will put some pictures of our trip on the site (when I have time to get to Bill's computer at church). We visited the beach a few days and Jennifer thought it was great! She was not scared of the waves at all, in fact we had to keep a hold of her because she was so daring she kept going out farther and farther in the water. We also went swimming a few times and again Jennifer thought she could do everything in the water herself. Several times she would push my hands away when she was going to jump in! She has no fear!
Thanks again for praying for our family during the past few weeks. I have felt myself being carried though in the palm of God's hand. It is amazing the peace I have knowing our family is in the center of God's will right now. I will update when Bill gets home and put on some pictures of both our trips!

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