Thursday, January 9, 2014

a clown?

This story happened yesterday morning while Jennifer and I were at the store together. After telling Bill the story last night, he told me it was blog worthy. He could not stop laughing. So here is the story of a clown at the grocery store...
I had to run to the grocery yesterday morning for a few things. Jennifer loves to help at the store. When we check out she stands at the end and likes to help bag the groceries. Thankfully the cashier was kind and let her help. And after Jennifer already had one bag done someone came to help bag our groceries and they were kind enough to let Jennifer continue to help. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that someone had come in line behind me. I was too busy making sure Jennifer was okay and getting my money ready to pay that I didn't really notice the person that closely.
Suddenly Jennifer looks at me with a smile and says, "Mom, look it's a clown!" She continued to look at the person next in line. I sort of smiled at Jen, thinking the person had on a colorful coat or something but not really giving it much thought. Jennifer looked me again and said, "A clown." As those words are coming out of her mouth for a second time I see the girl that was helping to bag our groceries. Her eyes got kind of big and she was trying not to laugh. So I turn to look and it was all I could do not to laugh too. The lady behind us had on a lot of make-up! Her cheeks were literally red, as red could be. And her eye shadow was a thick blue, that went probably past her eye brows. I quickly turned back to Jennifer and told her to "SHHH! Honey that is not very nice!" I don't think she quite understood what I meant. To Jennifer the lady really did look like a clown and I must admit to me the lady kind of looked like a clown too. I am really hoping that the lady didn't hear my, speak what's on her mind, child or at least she didn't understand what she said.
You do never know what you will see while at the grocery store, I'm just hoping we don't see that clown again!

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