Saturday, October 6, 2012

roller skating

 I am a few weeks behind but two weeks ago we went roller skating with the LIFE Ministry. Always a very fun afternoon for everyone.
This year Mikayla was fairly certain she was going to skate too. Last year at this time she was not walking yet so skating wasn't really an option for her. So this year she was going to make sure she got in on the action. Bill got her the smallest skates they had, they were of course were way to big, but she got to put on skates and that made her very excited.
 I helped her "skate" her way around the rink one time and that was good enough for her.
 Of course dad managed to get her to go around one more time.
 Then being pushed around one a little car seemed so much more fun. Don't you just love the huge skates sticking out to the side?
 So here is my skating girl Jennifer. I did not get any good pictures of her skating, how sad I am.
 Here is Jennifer pushing Mikayla around.
 Dad helping Jennifer do the limbo.
 Once Jennifer was out she of course thought she should help with the limbo.
And this picture has nothing to do with roller skating but it was taken the day before at the homecoming parade and I just like the picture. Jennifer and our friend Rylee.


Cindy said...

Great pix as always!

Cindy said...
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