Monday, May 28, 2012

party time!

Yesterday we had our families here for a birthday party for the girls. Jennifer could not have been more excited to see her family and celebrate her birthday. Mikayla didn't know what was happening at first but she was very excited to see everyone and she kind of got into her presents, which was very cute.
We borrowed a small bounce house from some friends for the kids to play in. Mikayla thought this spot was just right for her. She didn't have to be right where the crazy kids were jumping.
Our girls are most definitely spoiled. They were very excited about all their birthday presents. 
 Jennifer of course could not open her presents fast enough and Mikayla just wanted to walk around and show her stuff to everyone. We think she kind of relishes the fact that she can now walk around, it was pretty cute to watch her.
 Showing off a present.
 Jennifer was pretty excited about all her gifts. So excited in fact that there was even some jumping up and down!
 More jumping up and down!

 One of the presents the girls got was a merry-go-round for the back yard. Jennifer loves spinning things so she was very excited about this. Here she is "helping" put it together.
 Dad and Jennifer trying out the new merry-go-round. Very nice because she is able to make herself go, maybe nicer for us so we don't have to stand and push her for hours!
 Everyone trying it out together.
 Mikayla enjoying a cupcake (while saying "cheese"). 
 My two beautiful birthday girls!

We had a very fun day with our families here. The girls were exhausted at the end of the day after having so much birthday fun!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I'll bet that made for a good sleeping night!