Saturday, July 3, 2010

red, white and boots?

Today as we got ready to leave our house for the parade Bill told Jennifer to get some shoes on. Jennifer's response, "Oh, ok, I need my Jessie boots!" They were by the back door because she has wanted to wear them the past several days when we have had to go anywhere. So Bill decided this morning, why not let her wear them. She needed a little something red on today anyway, so why not Jessie boots?!
The girls ready to go to the parade.

I must admit I am a little sad that I didn't get a better picture of Jennifer in her shorts and boots. She was being a little bit silly with the pictures this morning and only wanted her picture taken with other people, so I had to snap a few in action.
There are a few families that Jennifer would join if given the chance. On most days if you ask you if she wants to go to any of these families houses she would jump at the chance. Today we sat by one of the families at the parade and afterwards we were hanging out them with for a few minutes. I was trying to get Jennifer's picture before we took her boots off but when she heard picture she sat down and was insistent that these boys sit down and take a picture with her. "Come on, come on, sit, sit", she repeated until all three of them sat down. So I had to include a picture with Jen and three of her extended siblings.Yesterday afternoon was kids day in the park. There was a kiddie parade in the morning, that we just watched, we figured Jennifer would be too busy waving at everyone to make it the whole way, so yes we just watched. After we played a few games we got to have lunch with two of Jennifer's favorite people, Chris and Rylee. After a little break at home we headed back up town for some inflatable fun. It was money well spent to watch Jennifer having a great time. The best part for her was getting to enjoy the fun with some friends.
Here is how Mikayla spent part of the afternoon in the park. She loved watching all the people but she could really care less about all that was happening around her so she just decided to take a little nap.

1 comment:

Hedlund Family said...

Sounds like a great time! Jennifer chose the perfect parade outfit!!!!