Monday, June 21, 2010

more vaca fun

I just love this picture of Mikayla. Cousin Ben was loving on her right before I took this picture, she was loving it!We decided to get the kids out of the cabin for the morning and have a little fun! They all thought driving the power wheels was great! None of them were great drivers but they had a great time. Of course there were a few tears when the time came for them to get off. The bigger boys wanted to ride the go-carts and this year Jen was big enough to ride along. So her and I rode together. She thought it was great!
Of course when we were done Jen thought she should get a turn to drive too. Mikayla was of course too young to enjoy any of the activities but she sat in her stroller and watched everyone and she seemed pretty content with that.

Bill pretty much lives for fishing on vacation. If it is not pouring down rain outside he is wanting to be outside fishing. Fishing in the boat or on the dock it doesn't really matter just so long as there is a pole in his hand he is happy. (Notice the mustache he is sporting, it looks a little different than the picture of him from the previous post. It is ok to think it looks bad, we all told him it did.)

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