Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pictures from school (and a few more)

Jennifer's teachers have been very kind to send us pictures of her at school so I thought I would share them with you all. The first picture is of Jennifer dressing up during center time. This is one of Jennifer's favorite activities to do at school. In fact when we were there last week for an open house this was the first thing Jennifer wanted to show Bill and I. She put on a pretty purple dress and then showed us the rest of the room. Jennifer has a notebook that comes home with her each day that tells us what she did at school and today it said that she was very excited because they put new clothes out for dress up! Isn't she just beautiful in that dress?! The second picture is a picture from the first day of school. Jennifer looks tiny compared to the boy beside her but part of that is because he is four. The last picture from school is my favorite. Jennifer is in the "teacher" chair reading books to the kids. The one teacher told us that Jennifer will get a book climb into the chair and the boys in her class will put blankets on the floor in front of her and listen to her "read"! It just makes me laugh. She will also sit in the teacher chair and pretend to do calendar with the kids. I think someday she is going to be a teacher! She will be fabulous!

We think Jennifer should be the new spokesperson for Cheerios! What do you think, she would be great wouldn't she?

Jennifer and Bill spending a little quality time together working in the basement. If you ever need any help on a project Jennifer is great and she doesn't charge much, usually a sucker will do.Sunday night is popcorn night in our house and as you can see it is one of the best things in the world. Jennifer makes us laugh each week as we get ready to make popcorn. She walks around the house signing popcorn, wants to get the popcorn bowl down and get the blanket out. It really is the little things in life that are worth while. If only we would all get so excited about having popcorn!


jane isebrand said...

Yes Jennifer, we would agree, it truly is the simple things in life(like popcorn). We are many times not at home on Sunday evenings but when we are my husband's favorite thing to do is have popcorn made in a "Stir Crazy" popcorn popper just like yours'.
Jim & Jane from Newton

Ellen Stumbo said...

I love Jennifer! But you already know that. And she needs to play dress up with Ellie, how come we have never thought of that.