Thursday, September 26, 2013

shaving cream fun

Bill has been all week in Colorado, so it has just been the girls and I. And the first few days of the week were just plain busy. We had lots going on and we all just kind of needed some fun things to do. So the past two days I have tried to do a few fun activities for school work. Yesterday afternoon I decided to try an idea I found on-line. We were going to "paint" with shaving cream. I did not think the activity would last long but to my surprise they were loving it! I did not however anticipate that the girls would need a bath by the time they were done!
Everything started out great. We were going to try to paint on the paper at first but that just wasn't working.

 Jennifer clapped her hands together and shaving cream everywhere. She thought it was great!
And of course she thought Kelly needed to see her messiness. Kelly may have gotten a little shaving cream on her while mom wasn't looking.
 We removed the paper and just went to painting the table instead.
 I needed to include the cuteness of this baby as well. 

 And then the fun started! Mikayla decided that it would fun to just paint herself with the shaving cream. 
 And then Jennifer decided she would join Mikayla in painting herself.
 And then Jennifer thought maybe she would follow in Mikayla's footsteps.
 You can see from the last three pictures why a bath was in order. They were covered!

Oh it was a mess and totally not how I saw the little activity going, at all! But it was fun, the girls laughed and laughed, which put a huge smile on my face. It was what we all needed after a busy few days, just some good, clean fun.
And stayed tuned, tomorrow morning Miss Mikayla will be having her tonsils out. It is going to be an interesting weekend at our house!

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