Wednesday, September 11, 2013

busy days

I just realized it has been nearly three weeks since I graced the blog world with any updates on our family. Well since getting home with Kelly girl things have just been busy. Lots going on these days and to be honest I'm just tired! So getting pictures onto the blog has kind of taken a back seat to other things. So what has been happening here in our world....
School has started. And in case you wondered if the rumors were true, yes we are homeschooling this year. We have been at it for almost three weeks and slowly but surely we will get into a routine. It is an adjustment for everyone and it will take a while to find that perfect balance for everyone. Someday soon I will try to write about our decision to home school. I know lots of people have lots of differing opinions on this whole issue, so I will share our hearts behind the decision.
As we start our homeschooling journey Bill is working hard to get a room on our basement finished. When it is done it will become our school room. Papa and mama were here over the weekend so papa could help work on the room. It was also Papa's birthday last week and you know Jennifer loves a birthday, so there was a little celebrating going on!
Miss Kelly girl is doing well after surgery. She has mastered rolling over from her back to her tummy. Now she just needs to figure out how to get back to her back. She gets slightly mad when she gets over and then can't get back. We had an interesting experience last week with Kelly's g-tube. This girl keeps us on our toes that is for sure! There is a whole story there that really deserves its own post as well, so stay tuned for the rest of the story.
And those big girls, Jennifer and Mikayla. What to say about them. They are doing good as well. Those girls are busy and they too keep me on my toes.
And I can't just write something without any pictures, so here are a few random pictures of the girls...

I would promise that I won't take three weeks to post again but let's be honest I can't promise that! I can hope that it won't be, after all there are a few stories to be told and more pictures of these sweet girls to share!

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