All the kids have their baskets and are ready to go!
However before everyone can run and find eggs a picture must first be taken.
Mikayla is not really sure what all the excitement is about. I think she is wondering why the rest of the kids ran off leaving her behind. Although I don't think she really minded.
Grandma Sue was not about to let Mikayla not have any fun so she was off with Mikayla finding eggs. They got quite the haul too!
The eggs were up high, down low and everywhere in between.
Jennifer had a great time running around finding eggs. It was fun to watch her running around with excitement.
Now that all the eggs have been found it is time to count them and see how many we got.
Mikayla loved taking the eggs out and putting them back in her basket.
Jennifer counting her eggs with dad.
After counting the eggs it was time to open them all and see what was inside. Mikayla is trying a peep that was inside one of her eggs.
"What is this thing I just put in my mouth?!" I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of peeps, although I have a few friends who love, love them, I can see why Mikayla made this face.
But then again wait, maybe this isn't so bad after all.
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