I was just looking at another blog and my eyes started filling with tears and so I just felt I needed to share what was on my heart. The person's blog that I was reading was asking for prayer for two sweet babies half way around the world living in orphanages. These two sweet babies have families who are waiting, who are wanting to bring them home. However, a judge in this country half way around the world will not let them join their forever families because of one reason and one reason only, these sweet babies just happen to have Down syndrome. I cannot tell you how my heart breaks not only for the babies but for their families waiting to bring them home. I look at the pictures of these two sweet kids and honestly all I can see is my babies. My heart breaks to think if my girls had been born somewhere across the ocean. Would they have a family, would they have someone who wanted and loved them? If they were in an orphanage would someone, would I, be coming for them? Would someone, would I, be longing for them to be in my arms? Would someone, would I, see a picture of them on an adoption website and want them? Would I see their potential, would I see their value and worth, would I see that they too deserve love and a family? I will be blunt and ask do you? So often people look of this world look at these children, look at my children and see children with no value or worth. They see children who do not deserve love or a family. How my heart breaks.
I am reading a book right now about living radically for Jesus. As I read a few days ago God allowed me to see my children and adoption in a new light. The author was talking
about a verse in Matthew 13. In verse 44 Jesus says, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought the field." The author began talking about the man in this verse, saying that the world would look at this man and think he was crazy, that he had lost his mind. Why would he want that field, that to them had no value? I began to think of this verse in terms of my life and I came to a conclusion. My children are my treasure! My children, who happen to have Down syndrome, are my hidden treasure and I have found them! In my excitement I am going to sell everything I have for them, I am going to sell everything I have so that someday I can bring more treasures home to a family that will love them. The world may think I have lost mind and gone crazy but I don't care because I have found my treasure.
I am praying for these two sweet babies who are waiting to go home to their families and I am praying for all the sweet treasures around the world who need a family.

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