Friday, March 12, 2010

weekend painting

These are some pictures from last weekend. We did a little painting one afternoon to waste a little time. Jennifer loves to paint and it usually is a pretty messy ordeal and needs a bath afterward.
Cheese!!! With paint everywhere!
I think Mikayla would rather eat the paintbrush than actually paint.
Hey, do I get to paint?!
This is when we just got started, notice no paint on her body yet. If you look at the pictures above they are further into the project and there is paint everywhere!
This is Jennifer with a swimming suit on blowing up a whoopee cushion! She thinks it is funny to sit on this, which just cracks me up.
This is Jen sitting in the middle of the hallway, after taking lots of stuff out of the closet. She is sitting under sheets and towels and she is trying to blow bubbles. She keeps us on our toes that is for sure!

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