Friday, February 5, 2010

all is well

This morning we headed up to Rochester for Mikayla's check-up with her cardiologist. It was a lot of driving for not a very long appointment but I guess that is good. The doctor thought Mikayla looked and sounded good. She has been doing amazing since her surgery. What can I say the girl loves to eat so she is gaining weight well and is a happy, laid back baby. We will go back this summer and have a full check-up with an echo and a few other things but for now all is well, with her heart. Jennifer went with us to the appointment today and she of course thought she needed to be checked out by the doctor as well. Lucky for us our doctor is a kind man who was willing to listen to Jennifer as well. Jennifer is due for an echo this summer too, so we will make a marathon trip with both girls having echoes and seeing the cardiologist on the same day, that will be interesting I'm sure!
On other notes both girls are making progress on important stages in life. Mikayla is rolling over, hooray!! She had that task down before her surgery in October but after surgery she had to stay off her tummy for a while so we can kind took a few steps back. Once she was able to be on her tummy again she had no interest at all, in fact up until a few weeks ago she sort of hated being on her tummy. But this week she has started rolling from back to tummy again. Bill and I were laughing tonight because she really could do more than she is, she is just choosing to be a little lazy! And today Jennifer went almost the entire day having a dry pull-up! Hopefully the end is in site for potty training, what a process it has been. Jennifer has been showing from the minute she was born that it is all about her timing, we cannot push that girl to do anything she is not ready to do. I have learned time and again to enjoy the waiting process with her. Although it may take a little longer for certain goals to be reached that is ok, there are certain things we get to enjoy a bit longer than most parents. It is funny how Mikayla is proving to be like her sister in this way. She could be rolling over yet she is taking her time. Once again I will simply enjoy her where she is and let her take her time.

1 comment:

Hedlund Family said...

Good to hear about Mikayla's appt. and it is very funny about her rolling over! I love how her personality seems to be coming out more and more!