Tuesday, September 8, 2009

feeding the ducks

It was great to have an extra day at home with everyone yesterday. We are in the process of trying to clean up our basement so much of yesterday was spent with us working away. Mikayla played in her pack and play and did what she does best, slept. Jennifer on the other hand tried to be helpful. She "helped" move some stuff and of course unpacked things that should have been packed. She did enjoy a little Barney as well. After a day of working we decided we should have a little fun on a holiday weekend. So we headed to the park to play for a while. Jennifer was thrilled because her friend Ellie happened to be there so they were able to play together, which is always fun. After the park we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the river to eat our supper. We took some bread so when we were done we could feed the ducks. Jennifer loved it!!
Bill got a few pieces of bread to show Jennifer what to do and then she was off. She grabbed some bread, tore it up and began throwing. Soon the two were surrounded by ducks and a few geese. I have to admit I was freaking out a bit! I hate, yes hate, birds. They just make me nervous. As the birds got closer to Bill and Jen I wanted to move farther away. A few of the geese were having a little attitude so Bill was trying to scare them, after a few times Jennifer stepped in and was trying to scare them too! She was getting so close I thought for sure one of the geese was going to peck her in the eye! After the bread was gone Jennifer thought the ducks should stick around so she started chasing them. She would pick one out and just run after it yelling "come here, come here"! Bill and I were laughing so hard. She had no fear at all! Mikayla of course was sleeping the whole time and missed all the excitement. It was a great end to our weekend. I of course did not take our camera. What was I thinking!? However I did buy a very cheap loaf of bread at the store today so that we can go again soon.

1 comment:

D G Curren said...

I'm with you, I HATE birds too. Oh, and cats!