Saturday, September 26, 2009
bath time
Tonight as Jennifer was taking a bath we were deciding if Mikayla needed a bath too. Bill decided to put Mikayla in the bath with Jennifer. Jennifer was very excited to have her sister take a bath with her. Someday these sisters are going to love playing in not only the bath but the pool. I am very happy that Mikayla loves the water already, just like her sister!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Today Jennifer had her annual appointment with the eye doctor. Bill and I have been noticing some changes in her eyes over the past few months so I was happy that it was time to go. My suspicions were correct and Jennifer has to get glasses. I must admit I'm a little bummed about this. Now I know what some of you are thinking, glasses aren't that bad. No they are not. Bill wears glasses, sometimes. So it is not that I think glasses are bad. However I am not looking forward to trying to keep them on Jennifer. She very much only likes things if they are her idea. Glasses are not her idea, she is going to look at them as something her parents want her wear, so she will not want to wear them. I have a funny feeling we are going to go through several pairs in just the first year. Broken or lost, I'm not sure which will happen more. It will be a week or so before we get them but you can count on a few pictures of the sister with her glasses once we get them.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
a few pics
I was looking through some pictures the other day and thought I'd share a few. There are a lot, hard to choose which ones to put on!

Mikayla doing a little tummy time. She either does really well and holds her head up like champ or she just falls asleep, that is usually a lot easier!
Jennifer showing off her "big" tower of blocks, before knocking them over.
Bill and Jennifer roasting a marshmallow in the backyard. (Jennifer did not actually eat her marshmallow after roasting it, she has something with foods that have a weird texture.)
Jennifer pushing her friend Ellie on the swing. They had a great time playing in the backyard!
Mikayla sporting a hat. Jennifer thought we needed hats on one afternoon. Mikayla's is still a little bit big for her.
Daddy snuggling with his girls one morning.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
feeding the ducks
It was great to have an extra day at home with everyone yesterday. We are in the process of trying to clean up our basement so much of yesterday was spent with us working away. Mikayla played in her pack and play and did what she does best, slept. Jennifer on the other hand tried to be helpful. She "helped" move some stuff and of course unpacked things that should have been packed. She did enjoy a little Barney as well. After a day of working we decided we should have a little fun on a holiday weekend. So we headed to the park to play for a while. Jennifer was thrilled because her friend Ellie happened to be there so they were able to play together, which is always fun. After the park we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the river to eat our supper. We took some bread so when we were done we could feed the ducks. Jennifer loved it!!
Bill got a few pieces of bread to show Jennifer what to do and then she was off. She grabbed some bread, tore it up and began throwing. Soon the two were surrounded by ducks and a few geese. I have to admit I was freaking out a bit! I hate, yes hate, birds. They just make me nervous. As the birds got closer to Bill and Jen I wanted to move farther away. A few of the geese were having a little attitude so Bill was trying to scare them, after a few times Jennifer stepped in and was trying to scare them too! She was getting so close I thought for sure one of the geese was going to peck her in the eye! After the bread was gone Jennifer thought the ducks should stick around so she started chasing them. She would pick one out and just run after it yelling "come here, come here"! Bill and I were laughing so hard. She had no fear at all! Mikayla of course was sleeping the whole time and missed all the excitement. It was a great end to our weekend. I of course did not take our camera. What was I thinking!? However I did buy a very cheap loaf of bread at the store today so that we can go again soon.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Some days Jennifer thinks she needs to hold Mikayla, all the time. A couple of Sunday's ago I got a few cute pictures of the sisters together.
had to laugh
A few nights ago we decided to have a fire in the backyard. We were going to cook hotdogs and roast marshallows. So Bill and Jennifer are in the backyard getting everything ready. Bill is getting the wood in the fire pit and Jennifer is watching. I hear Bill tell Jennifer to get back because he is about to light the fire. I happen to glance out the window as the fire starts. Jennifer's response to the fire is "Oh, Happy Birthday!!". I could not help but laugh out loud. She saw the flame of the fire, it reminded her of candles on a cake I guess or just a candle in general, which is of course always makes her think of a birthday. Too funny! The things our sweet children think of and say. As I think of this a few days later it still brings a smile to my face. Jennifer could have cared less about cooking hotdogs or marshallows. Some friends came over to enjoy the time outside with us and Jennifer had more fun running around playing with her friend, which was sweet.
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