Here are a few more pictures of our time with Mikayla. We spent a few more hours with her Saturday morning and then had to kiss her good-bye until next time. It was hard to leave I must admit. She is in very good hands but it was still hard to pull myself away. After meeting Mikayla for only a few short hours we find ourselves completely in love with her and she feels like our daughter. We have had several people ask if when we will go again and I'm sure we will be making trips to Wisconsin between now and July 17th. We just won't be able to stay away.

I love this picture of our two girls. Jennifer has her arm up because she was trying to put it around Mikayla, it didn't work so well, but it is a cute picture.
This is one of my favorite pictures ever! Bill with his two girls, just sweet!
Wide awake after we messed with her by changing her clothes about three times for pictures!

Resting in daddy's arms after a bottle. See you soon baby girl...
Soooooo beautiful!!! I'm very excited for you guys! That's gotta be very hard for you to leave her:( I can't wait until she's safely and permanently in your home! ~Lindsey
We are so happy for you guys! What a beautiful 2nd daughter. God is so good. Praising and thanking Him with you.......
Beautiful and perfect! We are so happy for you! Take care and talk to you soon!
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