Thursday, October 11, 2007

Colorado & Mt. Rushmore

Hi everyone,
It has been awhile...
Last week Bill and I had the change to go see Mt. Rushmore and visit Estes Park in Colorado. It was a wonderful time away, a lot of time in the car but still wonderful. We went with another couple, who we are great friends with, so that made the trip even better. We were making the trip to Colorado for a pastor's retreat but we decided to take the "long" way and stop by Mt. Rushmore first. It was worth the extra time. While in Colorado we got to spend most of Saturday driving through and exploring the moutains. Bill and I had never been to the mountains before, it was great. Here are few pictures from our trip and I will include a few pictures of Jennifer for those of you who would rather just see her!!

On our way to Rushmore we went through the Bad Lands, it was very cool it see, again well worth the time. We then stopped at a place called Wall Drug, you see signs for it for hundreds of miles, it is not worth the time to stop. We were sadly disaapointed!

The moutains were very beautiful- it was worth the many hours in the car to see them! Now here are a few pictures of Jennifer. She is doing well, her favorite saying right now is "There you go." Her little voice saying it just makes us laugh!

I was planning to put a few more pictures of Jennifer on but between our computer and the site we use to do this, it is just not working! So I will post some more pictures of Jennifer in the days to come, stop back by soon! Until next time...

1 comment:

Ellen Stumbo said...

Nice blog McLelands. Too bad we did not get to join in the Mt. Rushmore fun. Having a baby was definitely better :)
And I am posting because I like it when people pot on our blog. Then I know someone is actually looking at our pictures.