Tuesday, April 22, 2014

a princess

The other day we were having a busy morning. I was trying to get everyone ready and out the door. Bill and Jennifer were getting soccer pictures taken so I was getting myself and the little girls ready. I came down the hall to this sight in the living room...
 Kelly was sitting among her toys with a crown on her head. Now, Kelly came be talented but I knew my newly turned one-year-old did not get that crown on her head. Mikayla was "playing" the piano but I asked if she put the crown on Kelly. She stopped for a second, looked at me and simply said, "Yep", then kept on playing. 
 It cracked me up! Mikayla thought Kelly needed to wear a crown for a little bit.
 Of course the crown didn't last long.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Game Day!

Jennifer is playing soccer this year! This is the first time she has played an organized sport and needless to say she is pretty excited. I will admit I'm not sure if she is more excited about actually playing soccer or the fact that her dad is one of her coaches.
Jennifer was pretty excited to have mama and papa come watch her play soccer. And I think Mikayla could have cared less about going to watch Jennifer. She was pretty excited to have friends there to site and play with. These girls are pretty cute in their little chairs!
Jennifer all set in her spot ready to play.

 Towards the end Jennifer just wanted the ball so she was looking for an opportunity to get it. If the ball went out, she was right there trying to get it, if the goalie was going to throw it, she was right there ready to help out. 

 This is one of my favorite pictures! Even on the soccer field she is never far from her dad.
 Mikayla didn't last long watching her sister. She was off playing with her friends. 
 Jennifer did great for her first soccer match. She is pretty sure her team won, even though I don't think they keep score. Mama and Papa stayed for the afternoon to hang out. These two lovely ladies got all dressed up for a while!
 We decided to celebrate Kelly's birthday again, because mama and papa were here. Kelly ended up at the doctor earlier this morning, she was feeling a little better by the afternoon. 
 Jennifer signing to the baby girl. I love how Kelly is just watching her.

There were less tears this go around than the first, which was good. Jennifer's first soccer match and another birthday celebration for Kelly, a pretty great day at our house!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sick Birthday Girl

Today our sweet baby girl turned 1! I must admit that whenever our girls have a birthday I always relive their first days with us. Today was no exception. I thought about making the almost five hour drive, hoping that we would make it to the hospital in time for her birth. I remember getting the message that our baby girl had been born in the middle of the night and she was already at the Children's Hospital, we could not get there fast enough.  And then I remember walking into her hospital room and laying eyes on our baby girl...
This sweet little baby girl stole our hearts. And the past year year has been an amazing adventure with her! Oh the joy Kelly has brought to our family.
Sadly this week Kelly has been sick. It started Monday night and girlfriend cannot kick whatever she has. So her birthday was not a ton of fun for her. Thankfully it was nice outside and we were able to spend some time swinging. These next two pictures are the happiest the birthday girl was all day. She spent about 45 minutes in her swing and those were the happiest 45 minutes she had all day.

 If you know Jennifer well you know the girl loves a birthday and let me tell you she was very excited for her baby girl to have a birthday! So even though Kelly wasn't feeling well, we made her endure a cupcake, simply for photo purposes and to make her sisters happy.
Look at the excitement on this face! The poor girl just wanted to be held and snuggled.

 It's her party and she will cry if she wants to!!
 Thinking maybe, just maybe she will see what this thing on her tray is.
 She was really not that impressed.

 And she had finally had it. She just looks sad doesn't she?
Even though you are sick and sad, Happy Birthday sweet Kelly girl! We are beyond blessed that we get to have you in our family. Oh how we love this little girl...