Monday, March 11, 2013

winter break?

So this morning when we woke up to this out our windows....
 I decided that maybe instead of calling this week our spring break, we should just go ahead and call it a winter break. 
 Because let's face it, there is nothing spring about all this snow!
 I don't feel that we will be shedding the snow pants, boots and heavy coats anytime this week. 
There was some time spent outside but not in the sun or warmth. It involved a shovel, snow blower and lots of warm clothes.
Jennifer once again thought it was great!
She thinks it is pretty great to help clear the driveway.
This girl on the other hand, well she doesn't love the snow as much. Bring on the sun and warm weather, this girlfriend is with me on that!
Kayla girl and I stayed inside and just watched the clearing of the snow take place. 

 We are tired of the snow, after all doesn't spring mean sun, melting snow, warming temperatures and getting to play outside without layers of clothes on? While it was pretty outside this morning I'm just ready for spring! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

spring break

Today as the rain has been coming down and as we looked outside a few minutes ago and it is now snowing, yet again, I find myself dreaming. Dreaming of what I would rather be seeing as we start our spring break. 
I would much rather be seeing this:
a happy, laughing girl running into the ocean.
 The sun shining and getting to wear shorts.                                   Another laughing girl getting her toes wet.

Yes, you see I would much rather be on the beach in Florida, enjoying the sun with my family.

 Instead we are at home and as I look out my front window this is what I see, wet yucky snow, with more falling from sky now.

And this is what I see in my backyard, lots of water and more snow.
Yucky winter or riding bikes outside, in shorts?
 Snowy weather on spring break or the beach?

 As you can probably tell I would much rather be on the beach right now. Instead we are spending spring break at home. We will be making a trip south in June so I shouldn't complain too much I guess. And we are busy getting ready for something pretty exciting at our house! So I will just look at pictures of last spring break instead of looking out my window right now at the snow falling from the sky.