Jennifer has been asking for weeks to go swimming, even in the midst of it snowing outside she just wanted to go swimming. So needless to say Jennifer was excited. But how quickly I forget that Mikayla may be excited about swimming as well. When I set her down she nearly ran into the pool, good thing Bill was already in! It was very sweet to see her excitement.
Very happy to be in the pool!
Mikayla was loving to jump in.
And of course Jennifer thought the whole thing was pretty great too. She loves jumping in as well.
Jennifer's timing for pictures was, well not there, every time we tried to take her picture she looked away just as we snapped the picture! A cute picture regardless.
Mikayla "counting" to 3 before jumping in.
For a few minutes Jennifer was in her own little world on the steps, playing and singing. She really does love swimming.
I should have taken more pictures of the big moving day but of course while chasing around kids one forgets to take pictures. Here Jennifer is helping Papa get some blinds up in Ben's room.
Mikayla thinking she should help out as well too. Getting some tools out of Papa's bucket.