This weekend was a weekend spent with my girls. I guess you could call it a girls weekend out. Bill was gone at a conference for a few days so my mom was sweet enough to join the girls and I for some fun.
Friday after Jen got out of school we were off to a hotel for some swimming fun! Both the girls were pretty excited about being about to play in the water.

Jennifer did this little slide a few times but really what she wanted to do was go down the big slide. So her and I grabbed a tube and off we went. She loved it and would have gone down a hundred times! It really was too bad Bill wasn't there because he would have gone down a hundred times with her. I was only up for about fifty times.

Mikayla was content to just play with mama in the zero depth part, where she could just crawl around.

Getting sprayed by the big elephant.

My attempt at a picture of the girls together, both were being a little goofy, if you couldn't tell.

After a busy day it was time to get ready for bed.

Or maybe this silly girl wasn't quiet ready for bed yet.

The next day Jennifer needed to make sure she was well rested before a very fun day unfolded.

Mikayla was ready to go before she even got dressed.

After a little shopping and a quick lunch we were off to a big surprise for the girls. We were off to see Barney Live! Jennifer could not have been more excited, it really was sweet. And yes I must admit I was a little excited, I was excited to watch my girls!

I don't think I could put into words how much Jennifer loved this! Our seats ended up being perfect for her. She was able to stand on a step in front of our seats in the whole time, she sang and danced pretty much the entire time. I loved watching her!

Mikayla loved it too! Here she is singing with mama.

Mikayla loved the music but she also loved the popcorn!

And yes I was suckered into one of those, not so cheap, souvenirs for my smiling child.

Bill got home shortly after we did Saturday evening. The girls were very happy to see dad. After a busy weekend Mikayla was thinking she needed a little more to eat.

Jennifer on the other hand could have talked to Bill all night. She filled him in on everything we had done for our fun girls weekend. She talked and talked, it was really fun to listen to her. She did not leave anything out and the smile on her face let us know she had a great time.

Thanks to my girls, mama, Jennifer and Mikayla, for a fun time!