Wednesday, June 22, 2011

last vacation pics

Our last day of vacation was wonderful! We had great weather and so we pretty much stayed outside all day.
Jennifer and papa enjoyed one last time of fishing together. Something was wrong with Jen's pole so poor papa did not get much fishing in but of course being the sweet papa that he is he didn't complain because he was helping his grand-daughter!
Bill and Nick got a little tubing in the last day.
One last day of playing in the water and on the beach.

One last picture before everyone is packed up and ready to go home.
Thanks to my sweet family for another great vacation!

more vacation

Not every day on vacation was sunshine and warm. So we did have to entertain four kids in a cabin for a few hours. I think after a few hours of being stuck inside not only were the parents going a little crazy but the kids were too!!
As you can see by my girls here!
After a long morning inside we needed a little quiet activity for the afternoon. So the kids got to have a popcorn and watch a movie. They thought it was great!
Jennifer showing off one of the fish she caught. As you can see papa is holding the line and Jennifer is not going to get any closer than she is.
Jennifer dressing up as papa. Her giggles after she had gotten on papa's coat and hat were too funny as she was saying, "Look I'm papa!"
Having some fun driving the power wheels!
Jennifer and the boys each got to ride along on the go-karts this year too. Of course Jennifer thought she should drive, it may be a few years before that happens.
Mikayla checking out one of daddy's fish.
These guys came up with this great plan all on their own!
Everyone helping get the fish ready for supper.
Mikayla is just happy that everyone is having a great time while on vacation!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

vacation time

After another fun filled week of vacation we are home and trying to get back into the routine of life. This is the fifth year that we have gone with my family to enjoy a week of fishing, playing on the beach and just enjoying being together.
Bill would, as always, spend his entire week fishing if he could. It seems each year Jennifer gets a little more into the fishing thing. If Bill would head out on the dock for some fishing Jennifer was usually not far behind. She usually didn't last as long as her dad though. Have to admit I do love this picture.
We were able to spend three days playing on the beach. The kids did great and loved the water. Jennifer ready for some fun in the water.
Mikayla enjoyed some time on the beach as well, although she kept eating the sand so she had to be moved to a less sandy area.
The water was not all that warm but that didn't bother this little girl, she actually kind of loved being in the water. Hopefully by next year she will be walking so she can go in and out of the water as much as she wants!
Jennifer and dad playing on a water toy.
Jennifer trying it all by herself.
Taking a little rest with mama.
Jennifer did great in the boat this year, she loves going out on papa's boat. She would hold her pole until there was a fish on it then she would help reel it in and then pass the pole to papa. Of course she wanted nothing to do with the fish!
More pictures to come later!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

the pool!!

Friday was one of those days that our girls look forward to. It was going to be a warm day so it was time to get the pool set up! Jennifer was, of course, super excited about getting the pool blown up and filled with water.
So excited in fact that finally shortly after nine in the morning we just gave in and let her get her swimming suit on and get in. Now it was fairly early and the water had just been put in the pool so really it wasn't that warm yet.
Deciding that maybe the water is just a little cold.
Giving a quick splash but still not really sure if she wants to play in the cold water.
We thought maybe this would be it but she ended up playing for over a half hour in the water!
Once it was a little warmer out and the water was not so cold Mikayla got to join in the water fun as well.

School has been out for a few weeks now and the days have been getting warmer but getting the pool out makes it feel like it is officially summer at our house.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

and she's two

Two years ago today this sweet little girl entered the world and we were totally unaware.
(This picture is not of the day Mikayla was born but the first day we meet her.)
And here we are two years later and we can't imagine life without her. It has been so fun to see Mikayla grow into the little person that she is. Her little personality shines through a little more each day. People often comment that Mikayla is such a sweet, quiet little girl. Most of the time yes she is, but oh can she be loud and the girl will let you know what she wants! Oh how we love this baby girl!

This is one of Mikayla's newest tricks, being able to climb onto almost anything! She cannot walk yet but she is starting to climb. We walk out of the room and come back and she has herself on the coffee table or in the rocking chair, which Jennifer thinks is just hers so there is a little bit of sisterly love happening over that!
Happy Birthday Kayla Jo!!