Jennifer opening up one of her felt boards, she is going to have hours of entertainment with these and the best part, we didn't have to cut out all the little pieces that came with them!
Jennifer got a microphone and after she opened it she was ready to put on a show! She pretty much talked nonstop after opening it!
And still more presents to open at Mama and Papa's house! Once again Mikayla wants nothing to do with sitting with her cousins, this picture thing is overrated in her mind. I think she was ruined a few days earlier when we were trying to get 12 kids to sit for a picture a Bill's family Christmas, it got slightly loud for her with all those kids.
We have watched this movie 3 times already and she asked several other times to watch it, oh how we love it!
Not the greatest picture of Jennifer but oh how she loved her helmet! After opening it she proceeded to wear it pretty much the rest of the evening. It will be used and I quote Jennifer, "to ride a bike and ride horses!"
Then it was home to find places for all our new toys! Our girls are spoiled and Bill and I decided that next year grandparents you need to scale back!
We had a wonderful time with all our family at Christmas and we hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!