Sunday, November 28, 2010


Over Thanksgiving I had a couple of family members tell me that I have been doing a poor job of keeping up with our blog. Yes, I admit I have. All of our pictures go onto Bill's computer and well Bill has been ever so slightly busy with school work lately. This means I have no time on Bill's computer to do things like update our blog. So I do apologize, I will try to be better!

Now onto Thanksgiving... We spent Thursday with Bill's family and silly me I did not get my camera out there. Friday we had Thanksgiving with my family, what a crazy but fun time!

The kids getting ready to eat. It ended up being more of a lunch on the go for these three, I don't think they sat very long to eat.Even with a mouth full of food Mikayla is one cute kid!Enjoying a little building time after lunch with Aunt Jen.Mikayla once again just being cute. Things get a little loud with Jennifer and the boys and Mikayla at times was not all about it, so she is on the couch, which for her was a little safer place.Jen and Ben playing in the basement with Papa. Who knew a hula-hoop would also make a good train?Once again just being cute.Later in the evening after eating a light supper the kids thought it would be fun to play in the kitchen of all places. The chairs are set up to be a train and there was lots of signing and laughing happening.After a fun weekend with family it was back home to get ready to put up the Christmas tree. Jennifer was very excited but had to wait while Bill and I moved a few things around so we could get the tree up. Jennifer decided to catch up on some football while she waited.The putting up of the tree pictures will come soon...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

sleepy girl

Mikayla was having kind of hard day. Teething and a cold can really take a toll on a girl, let me tell you. I was finishing up doing something this afternoon when I heard Mikayla start to whine, she was on the kitchen floor, the next thing I know she is sleeping. The poor girl, she couldn't make it the few seconds until I got her, she just feel asleep on the kitchen floor.

It was really too cute not to take a picture.

Monday, November 1, 2010

one of those days

Today was well, just one of those days. On days like this Bill will often sign to me, "Mama said there would be days like this..." You all know what song I'm talking about! The funny thing is that it makes me smile every time! This morning, really early, Bill was off for week two of school. Which means it is week two for the girls and I without dad. The morning started off fairly well but by the middle of the afternoon I was ready to crawl into a hole and stay a while!
Jennifer had OT today (occupational therapy) and well she just really didn't want to go. So when the therapist came to take Jen, well lets just say it was a little ugly. Of course there are other people sitting in the lobby watching my child throw a little, ok maybe not so little, fit. Oh, isn't that just so much fun? It really is hard to try and scold your child with other people watching. At this moment I really needed a hole to crawl into. There was one mom sitting there, watching this lovely event unfold, and oh I wish I would have known what was going through her mind. A few moments later it was her daughters turn to go back with her therapist and like the perfect child she smiled to her mom and walked back all nicely. I think maybe I will just stay in my hole a little longer and scream, is what was going through my head. Oh the joys of parenting, oh the joys of parenting when daddy is gone for two weeks!
I may be in my little hole a lot this week if anyone wants to join me!