After a busy, busy weekend we are home and finding spots for all of our Christmas goodies. While it is always fun to spend time with family and be away from home for a few days it is always just as good to get home. The girls are exhausted after so much fun with family!
Our fun started Christmas Eve morning with the girls opening presents. Jennifer was of course very excited,
Mikayla I think could have cared less, the joys of being a six month old.

We can't take credit for this gift, in fact it wasn't really suppose to be a gift but we wanted to watch Jennifer open it, knowing this would be the reaction. What is it you ask? It is Cinderella, not the cartoon but the people version. This is Jennifer's favorite movie right now. We actually have it on video but our
vcr does not always work that great so I gave my mom the mission of finding it on
dvd, which of course she did. Mama gave the movie to Jennifer a few weeks ago but Bill decided we should hide it away and wrap for a gift. Her reaction was worth it!!

Spoons, how exciting?!

Christmas Eve afternoon we arrived at Mama and Papa's house and of course they thought it was necessary for Jennifer to open a present right away. Another great present, a new popcorn popper!! (Our other one was getting old and had a broken leg.)

Christmas morning, ready for the fun and presents to begin!

Hot potato! Who knew this little game could be so much fun. Jennifer and her two cousins each got one. This little game
halted present opening for a good twenty minutes while the potato was passed around the living room.

Mikayla enjoying the fun of her first Christmas!

Sweetly waiting to be told she can open presents.

The best present of the year by far, our sweet Mikayla Jo!!