Monday, August 31, 2009
random pictures
I was looking through some pictures of the past month or so and thought I would share some random photos.
Although the pool is now cleaned and put away for the summer I thought it would be nice to remember those warm days when playing in the pool was oh so fun. Because Jennifer wanted to go to the "big" pool one afternoon to go down the slide Bill thought it would be fun to put our little slide in the pool. Of course Jennifer wanted to do it each and every time after.
Bill and Jennifer went outside one afternoon while I was feeding Mikayla. When I looked out the window this is what I saw. Jennifer is "tracing" Bill with sidewalk chalk. It was too funny!
Jennifer reading a book to daddy and Mikayla. Mikayla really enjoyed it, as you can tell!
Jennifer strikes again! One afternoon while I was feeding Mikayla Jennifer decided to empty the cupboard. She went in looking for a cup and by the time she was done had everything that was in there out. It entertained her a while so I couldn't really complain and really the cupboard was in need of a cleaning so really she helped me out a lot!
Jennifer exiting the cupboard after climbing in to make sure everything was out.
Enjoying a Sunday afternoon nap! I love this, I just wish she would nap more often!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
funny things
If you know me you know that I am not a scrapbook person, this blog is about as good as it gets for me. I was thinking the other day that I need to start writing more on here about what my kids are doing that I really want to remember. About a year ago I wrote how I want to cherish the moments with my kids. I need to start writing down things that I can look back at months or years from now, I don't want to miss the little things because I didn't write them down. So I am going to start writing some random things on here, be prepared.
Jennifer's vocabulary lately has been exploding! It cracks me up and amazes me at the same time all that she can say, things I didn't even know she could say. Her big thing lately is "That be fun!" She was telling Bill and I the other day that she wanted to go see the cows, pigs, horses. She had been to the county fair with some friends and she wanted to go back to see the animals. After she tells us cows, pigs, horses, she proceeds to say for the first time "That be fun!" I love it! She now says it all the time, for everything. Bill's excitement for football is rubbing off on Jennifer a little bit. A few days ago as we were watching the news there was some stuff about football on the sports. Jennifer sees it, "Football, football! Wanna go? Popcorn, candy, that be fun!" She remembers that when she goes to the football games she gets to eat popcorn and candy, too funny! We have sweet friends who give her whatever she wants, which is why she loves eating popcorn and candy at the games! I have to admit I am a little excited for the first high school football game this Friday just so I can see the excitement on Jennifer's face! She ran some errands last night with Bill and they drove by the football field, she came home asking if I wanted to go see football. I think she is just as excited as Bill, if not more!
Monday, August 24, 2009
back to school
It was back to school this morning for Jennifer. She was a little sad when Bill and I dropped her off but once we were out of sight she was fine. We have such sweet teachers who are always letting us know how J is doing in school, it was great to know how her first day went. It sounds like she had a great day! When we asked Jennifer the past couple of days what she was going to do at school she kept saying that she was going to paint, I had to laugh when I read about her day that she painted and painted during center time. I think that Jennifer is going to have a great year at school!
Jen's sign says "preschool 2009 year 2". It is a little hard to read because of course she won't hold it straight. She really wanted to be close to Mikayla in the last picture but our step was all wet from the dew so we tried to make her squat, which was kind of funny.
Friday, August 14, 2009
busy week
It is good at the end of a long week to sit down for a minute and breath. The week started out with Bill and I (and Mikayla) going out of town for the annual staff retreat. We ended the week today with a long day at Mayo with Mikayla. There was of course a few things in between, I am glad this week is over. It was a good week but still am glad to have it over.
Here is a little update on sweet Mikayla. She had an echo today then we meet with the cardiologist as well as the surgeon. Everyone we had to meet with was wonderful and great to Mikayla. The doctors were pleased with Mikayla and we are going to schedule her surgery for early October. The surgeon prefers to do the surgery when babies are four months old. It has to do with the muscle around the valve that he will be repairing. The surgeon did a great job explaining the surgery to us but I do have to admit that I cannot rely that to you all!! I probably understood about half of what he said, I spend my days with two kids, medical terms are a little over my head. I do know they will crack Mikayla's chest, at some point in the surgery put her on bypass and stop her heart, they will work on her valve and repair the holes, one of which is fairly substantial from what I understand. The doctor said he would explain everything again before surgery, maybe I will get it all then. I think when I heard the words "crack her chest" and "stop her heart" I sort of didn't hear anything else. We will keep you all posted on how things are going and when surgery will be for sure. We have not been nervous about the fact that Mikayla will have to have surgery but there is something that sort of makes you stop and think as the doctor explains it all. We however have a peace because we know the One who created Mikayla and the One who cares for and loves her more than we do.
Friday, August 7, 2009
playing in the rain
This as we woke up we heard the sound of rain. As we came out into the living room and opened the curtains Jennifer hopped up on the couch to look out the window. "Rain, rain, mom, look rain!!" Jennifer shouted to me, as she was jumping on the couch. I responded, "I see the rain, I see it!" I thought that was the end of her excitement as she ran down the hall. She went into her room and I heard her and Bill talking. I could hear Bill telling her that they needed to ask mom where something was. Jennifer came out and Bill said they were looking for her raincoat. It was on the hooks with the other coats and Jennifer proceeded to put it on. Once she got it on she said
"outside, outside, run, run!!" (Whenever it is raining out she loved to "run" if we have to get out of the car and go somewhere." She wanted to go outside!! Too funny! So Bill and I let her go out back to play in the rain. She didn't play long but it was very cute! It was a great start to the day!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Bill!!
Friday was Bill's birthday. Some of our family was here on Saturday to visit Mikayla so we got to celebrated a little with them. Jennifer of course loves it when it is any one's birthday so she was loving it! I wish you all could hear her sing "Happy Birthday", it is one of the sweetest things! She belts it out, it cracks us up every time she sings it.
I think Bill could have cared less that it was his birthday but Jennifer's excitement made the whole day all the more fun! If your ever feeling down about your birthday stop by and see Jennifer, let her know it is your birthday and her excitement will seriously make you excited that you are having a birthday!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
back to life
We are slowly but surely getting back to life around here. It was nice to be home for a few days with not much going on. We did have a long few weeks but now we can take a deep breathe and enjoy being together as a family.
Mikayla getting her first bath at home. Jennifer of course was a big help with that!
Notice the wet shirt, Jennifer sort of gave herself a little bath while helping with Mikayla's.
Bill and Jennifer went for a walk the other morning, here they are returning with their matching hats (sleeves cut off from an old t-shirt).
Jennifer getting ready for bed.
Here is how you will find Jennifer spending most of her days now. Loving on her sister, some times a little too much. I find myself saying several time throughout the day "That's enough kisses, gentle please, your too close". Jennifer really does loves Mikayla, there are of course moments but that's what having siblings is about.
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