Do you ever have the feeling that you are just running through life? Things come and go and come and go, you think you can slow down for a little bit but then something else comes along and there you go again. That is the way things have been around here lately. It seems we have been running through life sprinting lately. Which if you know Bill and I we are not really sprinters! We are more of the jogging type so running along at a sprinters pace will catch up with us eventually. I do feel as though we will get to jog again maybe even slow down to a walk, wouldn't that be nice?! But I don't think it will be for a few more weeks. Jennifer's birthday is coming up and along with it comes a list of "stuff" to do. We have appointments, check-ups, visits, phone calls, more appointments but most importantly a party! When I look at our calendar and schedule all of Jennifer's "stuff" I am reminded that we will be sprinting for a while longer. When I typed the subject for my entry a few days ago I really did think life was getting back to normal at our house but oh how things change in just a few short days! In amoungst all the craziness that has been our life lately I am still trying to take the time to cherish the little things and I find that it is what keeps me going, it allows me to keep the sprinters pace when I really just want to stop and walk while everything passes right on by. If I slow down and walk I will miss the things like Jennifer laying under a bench at theraphy and telling her therapist nite-nite, Jennifer making grandma climb up her play set and go down the slide, Jennifer and Bill putting dishes away together, reading stories at bedtime in a new "big-girl" bed with Jennifer, hearing Bill say Jennifer Michelle as the two are outside playing- I can only imagine what trouble she is causing and laugh to myself. Life if flying by and there are days when it is just too crazy but I do have to admit I would not want to miss one sweet moment of it!
Jennifer telling everyone "HI"!! See looks to make sure everyone sees her!
Although we are not really potty training on a regular basis Jennifer will sit on the toliet before bath time, we left her for just a few seconds and she had the whole roll of toliet paper gone, lucky for us most of it was on the floor!